New Life Church

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Open Letter to New Life Church from the Elder Board - The Christian's Role in Democracy

As the people of God, we need to vote in this crucial election for the candidates who encourage government to fulfill its God ordained responsibilities. Scripture teaches us, "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.” (Pro 14.34) We are implored, “[…] I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life […] that you may love the Lord your God […]” (emphasis mine; Deut 30.19-20) Choice is an important part of putting your faith into action. Some may use faith as a reason not to participate in an election, citing, “God’s will is going to be done anyway.”

James tells us our faith is shown through our deeds! (Jam 2.17-18) We absolutely have faith that God will accomplish what God purposes; that God establishes the governments. It could be, however, that as God’s purpose was to establish Israel in Canaan and they instead traveled around Mt. Sinai for forty years — God’s purposes for America may be unfulfilled. The 10 to 2 choice not to take the land delayed God’s purposes being accomplished. (Num 13.33)

Nearly 42 million self-proclaimed “born again” Christians have not participated in past presidential elections ( Presidential elections since 1988 have been decided by about 10 million votes. ( We don’t pretend the Christian vote is a monolithic voting bloc, however, how radically different would our country be today if all Christians carried a conviction to vote toward a Godly vision of America!

Your vote matters and your vote is an expression of your faith to see God’s purposes come to fruition for our nation. Our faith pleases God! (Heb 11.6) So here is what we want to do to help you. We are presenting to you a list of questions to examine your feelings towards politics, which candidates would best lead us into God’s vision for this nation, and which would best partner with the Church to bring repentance and revival to America.

Before you read the questions, please understand two things: First, we have a high Ecclesiology. We believe the Church is by God’s design, is given dominion, and is the instrument God uses to bring about change in His world. Second, our intent is not to lead you to a specific candidate but to help you think Biblically about the issues and choices before us.

  1. Are you allowing apathy or the negative atmosphere surrounding politics to keep you from voting? Are you staying away from the “drama” of politics? Do you see how Satan can work division in the church and population through politics? Are you participating in the divisiveness?

  2. What is the track record of the candidates? Do they favor the people or the state? What have they done to benefit or hurt the nation? Have they participated in corruption or lies?

  3. How do the candidates measure up to the Biblical mandate for government found in Romans 13.1-7 — prosecute wrongdoers, bring law and order to society, commend those who do right?

  4. Where do the candidates stand on clear Biblical imperatives like abortion? Marriage? Compassion? Borders? Racism? Morality?

  5. What issue(s) do you believe to be most important to God? Where does each candidate stand on that issue? What is their voting record on that issue; does it line up with God’s heart?

  6. What are God’s purposes for this nation? Can we get there without repentance (changing laws and practices)? Are you repenting on behalf of the nation? (Neh 1.4-11) If only a ‘remnant’ is repenting, will God heal the nation? (2 Chron 7.14) Are you being an active part of the remnant?

  7. Are you asking God for the nation’s spiritual and moral healing and for a move of the Holy Spirit in the land? Are you asking God to have mercy on the nation? Are you asking God to bring about His purposes in the election for His Church?

  8. Are you asking God to restore our Christian foundations so we can be blessed as a nation whose God is the Lord?

  9. Since the Church is the conscience of the nation, are you taking a stand when government does not follow or practice God’s ways?

  10. Do you have faith that all government is on the Lord’s shoulders? (Isa 9.6) Do you trust that He establishes rulers? Will you be able to pray for and work toward the good and success of whichever candidates assume office? (1 Tim 2.1-4; Jer 29.7)

Our hope is that this has stirred you in a good way and that your convictions are more Biblically grounded than ever. Vote your convictions. Vote Biblically. Vote.